Supreme Commander / Forged Alliance
Title: WiSoTa
Version: v0.95
Date: 11/11/2013

Feature complete but missing units for the Forged Alliance Seraphim faction. Had a brain meltdown when trying to design unique units.

For Supreme Commander / Forged Alliance.


Adds new dynamic energy production structures with a customisable script. For Forged Alliance but only contains units for the base 3 races.

The name comes from the combination of wind, solar and tidal energy sources. Each of the 3 energy sources has 2 tiers (1 and 2) of energy production. Functionality is as follows:

  • Global
    • Everything from animation speed to energy production/update rates can be customised in simInit.lua
  • Wind
    • Animations based on wind direction and strength
    • Turns to face in to the wind, where appropriate
    • Faster animations in strong wind
  • Solar
    • (feature request) On taking damage, energy is diverted to a personal shield for a short period of time
    • This is to mimic the open/close animations of Total Annihilation, but there is no animation
    • ...animations could be added
  • Tidal
    • Faster animations in strong tides

Future plans were to add support for the Seraphim and customisable options for lobby UI. Never got around to them, but who knows.
